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The best chatroom choice for gamers, businesses, online services, and friends

Discord Inc. | 1 more apps |
updated on February 19, 2025
Download XAPK
106.9mb | free


Using the app to join or create servers is free
Extremely easy to navigate
Easy messaging, voice/video calls, and file sharing
Plenty of options for server owners and admins


Nothing we could think of
Price: $
Chatrooms are amazing for various purposes. Gamers use them for finding gaming companions, and businesses use them for easy communication. The king of this concept is Discord, so let's take a look at their Android app.

Discord is free to use to both join and create servers. Users can make their servers public or invite-only. Each server can have multiple channels where you can stick to various topics. Also, you can easily contact individual accounts using direct messages.

The Android app is very easy to navigate. The menu on the right contains your recent DMs and servers for easy access. There, you can easily choose the channel you want to view. You get notified if someone mentions you on the channel, but note there are many people tagging everyone.

Messaging is simple and engaging. There are many emoticons for reacting to messages. File sharing is intuitive and you shouldn't have any problems sending any file type. Other communication options include video/audio talks, screen sharing, and voice messages. There are even voice channels where everyone communicates via microphone. Even if you don't have one, you can listen to other users.

Customization options for server owners are what make Discord special. You can easily assign roles to administrators and provide authorizations for various purposes. For example, you can create announcement channels where only admins can post. Everyone can create their Discord bots for automation, or you can look them up online for use or purchase. These features make Discord a good platform for paid content as you can easily manage access rights and subscriptions.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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